Blog Archives

Creative ‘dear diary’ entry [36 out of 45, 2001/2002]

An image of Chris Larham's A Level French creative 'dear diary' entry [36 out of 45, 2001/2002].

This piece of creative writing takes the form of a fictional ‘dear diary’ entry.

The English version is 249 words long, while the French translation is 252 words long.

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Posted in A Level French [A2]

“Write a speech that you will give to the town council where you oppose their policy of privileging the bicycle as a form of transport. Propose another solution to the transport problems.” [35 out of 45, 2001/2002]

An image of Chris Larham's piece of French A Level creative writing in the form of a fictional speech to the council, opposing their privileging of cycling [35 out of 45, 2001/2002].

This piece of creative writing takes the form of a fictional transport-related speech to be given before the town council.

The English version is 255 words long, while the French translation is 267 words long.

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Posted in A Level French [A2]

Creative writing on the theme of a burglary-interrupted holiday [30 out of 45, 2001/2002]

An image of Chris Larham's marked original piece of French A Level creative writing [30 out of 45, 2001/2002].

This is a piece of creative writing on the theme of a burglary-interrupted holiday.

Both the English and French versions are 265 words long.

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Posted in A Level French [A2]

Advisory letter to a nicotine-addicted pen friend [31 out of 40, 2001/2002]

An image of Chris Larham's piece of A Level creative writing in the form of an advisory letter to a nicotine-addicted pen friend [31 out of 40, 2001/2002].

This piece of creative writing takes the form of an advisory letter to a nicotine-addicted pen friend.

The English version is 148 words long, while the French translation is 149 words long.

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Posted in A Level French [A2]

“Do you think that people prefer the Imaginary to Reality?” [35 out of 45, 2001/2002]

An image of the second marked page of Chris Larham's French A Level philosophical discussion of whether people prefer the Imaginary to Reality [35 out of 45, 2001/2002].

This piece of analytical writing examines the extent to which people prefer the Imaginary to Reality.

The English version is 249 words long, while the French translation is 248 words long.

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Posted in A Level French [A2]

You are the presenter of a show broadcast by NRJ. Write the transcript… [37 out of 45, 2001/2002]

An image of Chris Larham's piece of French A Level creative writing in the form of a radio broadcast transcript on the topic of 'Restos du Coeur' [37 out of 45, 2001/2002].

This piece of creative writing takes the form of a radio transcript for a fictional ‘social show’ broadcast by NRJ.

The English version is 246 words long, while the French translation is 254 words long.

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Posted in A Level French [A2]

“A desperate old man goes to a bank’s cashier’s desk on January 3rd 2002 with two bags of money that he would like to change into euros. The bank employee opens the bags, which contain 10,000F… in small change. Write the ensuing dialogue. ” [32 out of 45, 2001/2002]

An image of the second marked page of Chris Larham's piece of A Level French creative writing on the theme of currency exchange [32 out of 45, 2001/2002].

This is a piece of creative writing based on a comical currency exchange premise.

Both the English and French versions of this piece are 286 words long.

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Posted in A Level French [A2]